Course Info
Course Duration: 1 day
Attendees: 1-20
Pre-requisites: Current SSSTS Certificate
Course Duration: 1 day
Attendees: 1-20
Pre-requisites: Current SSSTS Certificate
Those who currently hold the Site Safety Supervisor certificate and wish to renew
CITB Site Safety Plus Certificate
5 Yearly
Site Management Safety Training Scheme (SMSTS)
To refresh and update knowledge of:
Health, Safety, Welfare and Environmental issues
Legal responsibilities
Reason for carrying out their identified duties
Health and safety law structure and how it applies to supervisors
Recognising bad practice and intervention
The role of the supervisor and site safety
Delivering Toolbox Talks and site inductions
Risk assessments & Method Statements and their importance
Ability to supervise site activities effectively
Health and Safety Law
Safe Systems of Work
Health and Safety Management
Occupational Health
Fire Prevention / Control and Other Emergencies
Hazardous Substances (COSHH)
Presentation Skills / Tool Box Talks
Working at Height
Manual Handling
Accidents and First Aid
Intervention Skills and Behaviour
Intervention Skills Exercise
10 Caputhall Road, Deans Industrial Estate, Livingston, EH54 8AS